Author Archives: redheadedgirl

Anglo-Filles Episode 31: Television Necromancy

Welcome to Episode 31, wherein Les Filles discuss TV shows that keep. coming. back. We discuss some other stuff, too.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 30: Colonialism and Buttflaps

Welcome to Episode 30, in which Les Filles discuss Tarzan, Brozan, and Blandzan and all ‘zans in between, including Tarzan Presley, the greatest of them all.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 29: Why is the rum gone?

Welcome to Episode 29, wherein Les Filles discuss adaptations- book to screen, stage to screen, screen to stage to screen again. Relatedly, Reidan saw Fifty Shades of Grey. There might have been rum involved.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 28: The Unbearable Whiteness of Being

Welcome to episode 28, where Les Filles discuss with varying degrees of rage about the awards season, the Oscar nominations, idiots who use phones in movie theaters, and Kayleigh’s abridged soliloquy on Bradley Cooper, bastion of cis white male privilege.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 27: Alina’s Best Day Ever

Welcome to Episode 27, where Les Filles talk with author, screenwriter, and Alina’s personal hero Diane Duane!

So You Want To Be A Wizard

Diane spoke to us from the Library Bar in Dublin, after having seen The Battle of the Five Armies. After the episode is over, stay tuned for a bit on her reaction (No spoilers).

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Anglo-Filles Episode 26: This Is What Happens When You Cancel Quidditch

Welcome to Episode 26 of Anglo-Filles! We review the fall tv season with varying degrees of “well so that happened.”

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Anglo-Filles Episode 24: In Spite Of

Welcome to episode 24, which brings us to two years worth of content! This month, Les Filles discuss video games, video gamers, and the terrible things that have been happening the past month (months, years) to women in video games.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 23: Peak John Williams

Music is food for the ears and the soul. We feed your soul (….that sounds appropriately creepy) with our Senior Music Correspondent (Or just Music Correspondent, depending on the timestamp) Ian, from A Matter of Taste!

Ian also composed and recorded our awesome new theme music! You can find him personally on Tumblr at Making New Mistakes. You can follow A Matter of Taste on Blogspot, Tumblr, and Twitter.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 22: Potpourri-tangent-palooza 2: Electric Boogaloo

Welcome to episode 22, where Les Filles talk about Sports (real and e), the Mary Sue, tartans, Snowpiercer, Game of Thrones, American Gods, the Supreme Court of the United States, and some douchebag named Robin Thicke.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 21: Some of Draculae, all of Draculbee

We never drink….wine.

(that’s not true, we drink a lot of wine.)

Welcome to Episode 21, where we shanghai in Dame Cleolinda Jones to discuss all things Dracula! There’s also the moment in which we broke Cleolinda, just as she breaks Twilight Noobs. It’s delightful.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 20: Strong, feisty, and failing the sisterhood

Welcome to episode 20, where Les Filles discuss “strong female characters” and the problems therein, with entertaining side jaunts down Comic Book Way, treatment of women in media including Hannibal, Game of Thrones, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and a patented Kayleigh Rant on The Following.

(I looked long and hard for the right image, and Maria’s headshake of disappointment seemed to fit.)

(But this works too.)

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Anglo-Filles Episode 19: Undercover Avocado

Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to listen to Les Filles talk about spies and espionage in movies and TV.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 18: It’s all thanks to Kevin’s mom

It’s time to reminisce about being a baby nerd and what we were obsessed with as Les Petite Filles. And also Le Petit Garçon, as we are joined by Made of Fail founder, executive producer and all around Starter of Things, Kevin!

There are some sound and editing issues, due to a lack of avocado sacrifice.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 17: 60% Social Commentary, 40% Spandex

The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics just wrapped up, and we had some things to say. A lot of things. (We also had to deploy an Emergency Avocado. Which worked!)

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Anglo-Filles Episode 16.5: Coriolanus

SURPRISE! It’s a very special .5 episode!


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Anglo-Filles Episode 16: Country Matters

We’re classing up the joint with 1 hour and 45 minutes on the Bard Himself: William Shakespeare. Dick jokes can be found…pretty much all over the place.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 15: There’s Gotta Be Some Waxed Man-titty In Here Somewhere

Welcome to Episode 15 of AngloFilles, wherein Les Filles are joined by Sarah Wendell of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books to discuss the romance genre!

(Just as a note: the conversation turns somewhat explicit at about 1:10 when we start discussing erotica. Just in case you’re listening at work or with a small child who might wonder out loud in an inopportune place what the deal with triceratops tongues is.)

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Anglo-Filles Episode 14: Good Crackalicious Fun

Hello! Sorry we’re later than usual, but we had a good reason, we promise.

Lets talk about how the 2013 fall TV season has shaped up!

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Anglo-Filles Episode 13: Oh my god it effing rhymes

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! It’s our one year anniversary, and we are kermit flailing to welcome back Cleolinda Jones to talk about all things Hannibal. We just kermit flail in general, actually.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 12: Potpourri-tangent-palooza

This is episode 12, which means we’ve been talking your ears off about girl-geekery for a year. We had a bunch of topics that weren’t involved enough for a whole show, so this is a GRAB BAG EPISODE. Warning: expect tangents.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 11: You didn’t complain when Watson was a mouse

Sorry this episode is later than usual- we originally recorded a week later than we’d normal do, thanks to nutty schedules, and then the Podcast Gods were angry about something, so we rescheduled, and an avocado was sacrificed, and WE’RE BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER.

Sherlock Holmes has been a part of the cultural consciousness since his inception, and Les Filles discuss (with varying levels of squee) several of them.

(There are spoilers for the end of Elementary at around the 1h45min to 1h55min mark. Proceed at your own risk.)

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Anglo-Filles Episode 10: Power Rangers on Very Expensive Acid

It’s summer! it’s disgustingly hot! it’s time to flee to the movie theaters and watch stuff get blown up and knocked down! A LOT.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 9: Incredibly Candy Colored, Extremely Depressing

We are super stoked (like, SUPER STOKED) to have been joined by Hugo Nominated author Seanan McGuire to talk about women in Speculative Fiction, misogyny in the world and out of it, and swearing!

(It almost made up for the sadness of not having Kayleigh this episode. Almost, but not quite.) In important news, the Anglofilles are thrilled that NBC came to the conclusion that renewing Hannibal was the right thing to do, and we will be doing an episode on Hannibal in the fall.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 8: Spanish Revenge Machine

Episode 8 is live, where it’s all Princess bride, all the time. WITH SPECIAL GUEST MARK OSHIRO

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