Anglo-Filles Episode 8: Spanish Revenge Machine

Episode 8 is live, where it’s all Princess bride, all the time. WITH SPECIAL GUEST MARK OSHIRO

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25th Anniversary EW photo.

“Anyway, here’s the ‘good parts’ version. S. Morgenstern wrote it. And my father read it to me. And now I give it to you. What you do with it will be of more than passing interest to us all.”

We are joined by HUGO NOMINATED FAN WRITER Mark Oshiro, of Mark Does Stuff. He runs a large, diverse internet book and TV club where he’s the one who hasn’t read the book. It’s good stuff!

Currently on Mark Reads: Tamora Pierce’s entire bibliography (he is currently on First Test and just finishing up Mira Grant’s Newsflesh trilogy.

Currently on Mark Watches: Friday Night Lights and The West Wing with double features of Dead Like Me, leading to the rest of the Bryan Fuller-Verse.


The Princess Bride; S. Morgansterns’s Classic tale of True Love and High Adverntureon Amazon

Mark Read the Princess Bride as if Morgenstern was real (hint: we know he’s not) and pissed off half the internet, it seems. It was glorious.

OLD SKOOL COVER (share the pain)

The movie is basically the platonic ideal of a movie adaptation. If you haven’t watched it, you are really missing out.

Spiritual successors: Stardust (2008) and A Series of Unfortunate Events

Alina’s Tech Rec for this month was a thoroughly researched and completely scientific presentation and not at all just a run-on spiel of her opinions on the various e-reading apps she uses: Kindle Versus Kobo! For those who use a smartphone or tablet as their ereader, the main choices of apps are between the official Kindle and Kobo apps. I find Kindle a slightly smoother reading experience. Kobo, on the other hand, has a much easier table-of-contents navigation, the reasons for Kindle decided to hide theirs behind layers of menus escape me. I’d like to hold a moment of silence for Stanza, it was my favourite independent ereading app for a long time. Nowadays, when I need a third alternative, as an Android user, I turn to Aldiko. If the big-name, store-tied apps aren’t your thing, then Aldiko is probably what you’re looking for.

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