Monthly Archives: September 2015

Anglo-Filles Episode 36: Potpourri-tangent-palooza 3: The Tangenting

We wrap up our third year of podcasting with a between-guests palate cleanser, presenting a grab-bag of topics: Mads Mikkelsen at Fan Expo Canada; the latest buzz from TIFF; Benedict Cumberbatch’s failed attempts at a Boston Accent; Tom Hiddleston’s allegedly successful attempt to a southern one; and Tom Hardy’s apparently successful attempt at playing two people at once, neither of whom loved dogs (one presumes).

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Anglo-Filles Episode 35: Cupcakes & Comics (chatting with Mikki Kendall)

Swords of Sorrow: Miss Fury / Lady Rawhide cover

Welcome to episode 35 in which we welcome Mikki Kendall, writer of the Swords of Sorrow: Miss Fury / Lady Rawhide special (on sale now!), to chat to us about writing comics and historical fiction (and, tangentially, about: vodka, politics, Duchess Kate’s shiny hair, and the pain of explaining Tinder to your aunt).

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