Monthly Archives: February 2014

Anglo-Filles Episode 17: 60% Social Commentary, 40% Spandex

The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics just wrapped up, and we had some things to say. A lot of things. (We also had to deploy an Emergency Avocado. Which worked!)

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REPOST Anglo-Filles Episode 13: Oh my god it effing rhymes

Greetings, listeners! Fear not, a proper episode is still coming to you in February, for we have many, many thoughts about the Olympics and some of them are even about topics other than the ranking order of Olympic figure skaters’ behinds.

Meanwhile, Hannibal season 2 has a premier date of February 28th. The fannibals are preparing to feast, the only question is will you be a dinner guest or will you be dinner?

You have 2 weeks to catch up on season 1, and to help convince you that you should, here is the episode we recorded last October with the ever-gracious Cleolinda as our guest.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 16.5: Coriolanus

SURPRISE! It’s a very special .5 episode!


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