Monthly Archives: February 2013

Anglo-Filles Episode 5: I feel like the Grimms are speciesist

Episode 5, where we are joined by Noel, who is determined to inject himself into every facet of the Made of Fail Family, and we talk fairy tales, the 10th Kingdom, and other stuff.

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My notes for what should be in the show notes are at home, and I am not, so this is…. sort of recreated from memory.

The leatherbound Brothers Grimm!

Thie new Philip Pullman Brother’s Grimm!

The 10th Kingdom DVDs You can also watch on Netflix Instant for now.

Grimm, on NBC. Fridays, 9/8 Central.

Once Upon a Time, on ABC. Sundays at 8/7 Central. You can also watch the first season on Netflix Instant.

There were a whole bunch of other books we talked about, but I can’t remember them all. I know Patricia Wrede and Gregory Maguire were in there, and we also talked about the national travesty that Canada recently suffered with the new Anne of Green Gables cover.

You can find Noel on twitter as @NoelCT, on Livejournal, on The Super Saturday Short-Lived Showcase, The Monthly Midnight Movie Exchange, and I Hate/Love Remakes.

Telltale Games is partnering with WB to create games based on Fables.

Alina’s tech rec this month: Rough Draft is a free word processor with a user interface designed to make life and work easy for writers. It won’t have all the features MS Word has that make academic essays look so polished, but I highly recommend it for personal works. It has modes for scripts versus prose, has spellcheck functionality (you do have to additionally download a free dictionary called WordWeb). I particularly like its use of tabs for different files and the side-panel notepad.

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