Author Archives: redheadedgirl

Anglo-Filles Episode 7: RESEARCH PURPOSES

Welcome to episode 7, where we talk about Sexed Up Historical Dramas. (Note: we talk about sex a LOT because that was kind of the topic. There’s a lot of sex, is what I’m saying.)

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First things first: Reidan is in Boston, and was not near the bombings, she’s okay. The Boston mayor Tom Menino and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick set up OneFund Boston as a way to funnel donations. If you could toss in a couple bucks, that would be awesome. Thank you.

IMDB links for the various shows we discussed:

I, Claudius


The Tudors

The Borgias



The Other Boleyn Girl: BBC version.

If you would like to read more:

Tudors: Anything by Alison Weir

Borgias: The Borgias and Their Enemies

Rome: God, I have to pick just one? Livia: First Lady of Rome

List of Sexually Active Popes



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Anglo-Filles Episode 6: Austenpalooza 2013

Welcome to episode 6, where we talk about ALL THINGS JANE AUSTEN.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 5: I feel like the Grimms are speciesist

Episode 5, where we are joined by Noel, who is determined to inject himself into every facet of the Made of Fail Family, and we talk fairy tales, the 10th Kingdom, and other stuff.

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My notes for what should be in the show notes are at home, and I am not, so this is…. sort of recreated from memory.

The leatherbound Brothers Grimm!

Thie new Philip Pullman Brother’s Grimm!

The 10th Kingdom DVDs You can also watch on Netflix Instant for now.

Grimm, on NBC. Fridays, 9/8 Central.

Once Upon a Time, on ABC. Sundays at 8/7 Central. You can also watch the first season on Netflix Instant.

There were a whole bunch of other books we talked about, but I can’t remember them all. I know Patricia Wrede and Gregory Maguire were in there, and we also talked about the national travesty that Canada recently suffered with the new Anne of Green Gables cover.

You can find Noel on twitter as @NoelCT, on Livejournal, on The Super Saturday Short-Lived Showcase, The Monthly Midnight Movie Exchange, and I Hate/Love Remakes.

Telltale Games is partnering with WB to create games based on Fables.

Alina’s tech rec this month: Rough Draft is a free word processor with a user interface designed to make life and work easy for writers. It won’t have all the features MS Word has that make academic essays look so polished, but I highly recommend it for personal works. It has modes for scripts versus prose, has spellcheck functionality (you do have to additionally download a free dictionary called WordWeb). I particularly like its use of tabs for different files and the side-panel notepad.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 4: Not everyone wants to live in a Hobbit Hole, Peter Jackson

We welcome the lovely Cleolinda Jones for her movie mania and awards seasons awareness and add her accent to our collection.

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Anglo-Filles Episode 3: CONSTANT VIGILANCE

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Fake Geek Girls are A Problem, according to Tony Harris. We think he and people who think like him are full of shit.

Anita Sarkeesian and Feminist Frequency. Also a link to her (closed) kickstarter, Tropes Versus Women in Video Games.

The #onereasonwhy hashtag on Twitter, talking about why there are fewer women in the gaming industry than men.

Entertainment Software Association’s 2012 Stats on game players.

Dad gives Link a sex change for his Zelda playing daughter.

The Hawkeye Initiative, Escher Girls, Boobs don’t work that way.

Gamer Mama!

A Rennerful Romance Novel review at Smart Bitches. YOU’RE WELCOME.

Star Trek trailer!

James Gunn’s past comes back to haunt him.

All sort of Hobbit-full news! Interview with peter Jackson, in which he touches on the Tolkien Estate having some issue with the movies.

The Enclyclopedia of Arda, for all your fake geeking needs.

Stephen Colbert’s Best Week Ever: The Pundit: or Colbert and Back Again

Alina’s Tech Rec: MusicBee is a great iTunes alternative – for Android phone users who need desktop software that syncs with their phone and just for anyone who doesn’t want to use iTunes. It can import iTunes and Windows Media Player libraries, making switching easy. (Note: iTunes does not DRM protect music.) It has all the features you’d want in a robust digital music library software, such as tag management and downloading album information, and it can be used to subscribe to and organize podcasts (such as this one, hint hint).

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Anglo-Filles Episode 2: Basically we blame Disney for everything.

Welcome to episode 2! We say things.

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Kayleigh got into her Master’s Program at the University of Edinbrugh!

Reidan passed the Massachusetts bar exam and is looking for a big girl lawyer job!

Good things to come out this endless election cycle:
Is Nate Silver a Witch?
and the trending twitter topic “Drunk Nate Silver.” “Drunk Nate Silver does not say ‘Call Me Maybe’, he know precisely where and when.”

Movies we discussed in a fairly non-spoilery manner:
Cloud Atlas
and Skyfall

Also mentioned: Toronto International Film Festival, Dredd, Looper, Premium Rush, Lincoln.

Disney buys Lucasfilm, everyone waits to see what fresh hell this might mean.

Proposals for Star Wars directors:

Episode VII

Episode VIII

Episode IX

Release dates we are demanding (and someone should get on): Whedon’s Much Ado, DVDs for the Tennant/Tate Much Ado, and the Hiddleston Hollow Crown.

Russian Fantasy Books we discussed:
The Stranger
Night Watch
, The Master and Margarita

The Star article on online sex ed

One Direction fanfic article

Alina’s Tech Rec: Firefox Sync (and Google Chrome’s account sing-in feature) – first and foremost, it’s a simple way to bring your desktop bookmarks to your smartphone or tablet (or to a second computer). It can also be a simple way to get your bookmarks back if, say, your computer’s problems pissed you off so much that you did a fresh install of Windows without backing anything up so then your wife had to show you that you can use your smartphone and Sync to get at least your browser back the way it was and that’s only because she sync’ed it for you in the first place. You know, as an example.

With a Special Guest Appearance by Kayleigh’s mom.

Comment, questions, concerns, feedback and snide remarks can be sent to

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Anglo-Filles Episode 1: Better Than Braveheart

The newest member of the Made of Fail family of geekitude!

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First, I have to apologize for the quality of the sound- I’m still learning this, but I know what the problem was and I will fix it for next time.  Sorry, sorry, so very sorry.

Don’t explain the joke:  we are three geek girls who come from three different English speaking areas of the world–Canada, Scotland, and the US.  So Anglo = English and Filles = girls (only in French) and we all have a fascination with the British Royal family.

Reidan can be found at @redheadedgirl on Twitter, reviewing romance novels at Smart Bitches Trash Books and frequently commenting on Mark Does Stuff. You can also follow her Roman Feast research and shenanignas at


Alina can be found at @LJMysticOwl on Twitter. She’s a writer on Galilea and has reviewed her re-read of A Game of Thrones at Second Time Around

Kayleigh can be found @ceildhann on Twitter, and reviewing books at The Book Lantern and The Sparkle Project.

Warning: Shady Moose up to No Good



Max Frei’s The Stranger, Alina’s favorite Russian urban fantasy (now in a spiffy new English translation!), is something we are going to discuss in the next show.  You can purchase it from Amazon or other fine retailers.

Shakespeare’s Wife

The Ancient Guide to Modern Life

Supersizers Eat Ancient Rome:

Alina’s “Tech Stuff” recommendation for the episode: BeyondPod Podcast Manager for Android  It can sync with your Google Reader account, you can pre-download episodes or stream them, and arrange episodes of various podcasts into a playlist so there’s no need to browse to them one by one.

Have a comment, question, concern, or snide remark?  Want to give us your opinion of our varied accents?  Email us at

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